Strawberry Tea

Update – the afternoon was a great success with 15 members helping out and about 60 people attending as we raised £440 for our group’s funds. here are just a few photos which do not do the afternoon justice, please blame me the photographer – I am no David Bailey that’s for sure!! on Thursday …

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Other support in the Southend area- Avenue Bereaved Parents Support Group

I would just like to tell you all about the Avenue Bereavement Support group which is run by Joy sole for those parents who have lost a child of any age. Safe Harbour have recommended several people to this wonderful group and I can fully recommend it as a safe and supportive group The meetings …

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Dates for 2022

St Augustine’s Hall St Augustine’s Hall  —  Group Dates 2022 — 2pm to 4pm —  2nd and 4th Thursday  January 13th and 27th February 10th and 24th March 10th and 24th April 14th and 28th  May 12th and 26th June 9th and 23rd   July 14th and 28th    August 11th and 25th September 8th and 22th …

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