Strawberry Tea

Update – the afternoon was a great success with 15 members helping out and about 60 people attending as we raised £440 for our group’s funds.

here are just a few photos which do not do the afternoon justice, please blame me the photographer – I am no David Bailey that’s for sure!!

on Thursday 28th July from 2-4pm we will be holding our annual strawberry tea fete.

come along and join in the fun with Splat the Rat, Treasure Map, Play your Cards Right, Guess the Weight of the cake and a raffle. Refreshments ie coffee, tea, scones, jam and cream and strawberry delights are all available for a suggested donation of £2.50

Please join us at St Augustine’s Church Hall in Johnstone Road and see what we are all about.

Love Barbara (I’d add a poster if I knew how !)

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